IS THE MAN WHO IS TALL HAPPY?  Special Screening

Through a kaleidoscope of imagery and visual ideas, French filmmaker Michel Gondry (ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND) illustrates a series of far-reaching conversations with celebrated philosopher and political activist, Noam Chomsky. Animating his interviews, Gondry employs a crude, child-like hand drawn style to process, illustrate and explain anecdotes from Chomsky's childhood and professional career, but most importantly to help himself and the audience visualise and understand a number of theories relating to linguistics and cognitive learning. What might seem challenging or even baffling concepts about how language is mastered and how we perceive the world around us, are simplified through Chomsky's explanations and Gondry's images. Gondry willingly adopts the role of student - and interpreter - and the result is a playfully inventive animated documentary that presents its intellectually weighty subject manner in a witty, surreal and entertaining manner we can all enjoy.


Director : Michel Gondry

Cast : Noam Chomsky, Michel Gondry

Duration : 88 mins

Category : I

Language : English (Chinese Subtitles)

Cinema Line-up : Broadway Cinematheque, PALACE ifc

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