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TV & Child Sleeping Problems

A pediatric study have shown, to children between the age of 3 to 5, watching television after 7 at night or watching violent TV programs (including cartoon) can lead to sleeping program for children. Investigators have study 620 children circumstances, found out that children watching non- violence TV programs have no problem sleeping. The department of pediatric suggest, children under the age of 2 is not appropriate to watch TV, children from 2 years old and up should watch no more than 2 hours of TV daily. They also appeal that pediatric doctors should also inform the parents to help them understand the influence of TV. Many family do have a wrong conception that television program will help their kids go to sleep.


Many children do have 1 or more sleeping problem weekly basis. These problems include difficult going to sleep, frequent awakens, having bad dreams, or feeling tiredness at daytime. Those watching night time TV shows or violent programs, their sleeping problems will at most. On the daily basis, children watching violent TV shows for 1 hour or more, about 37% of them will have sleeping problems, on the other hand, children watching less or non- violence TV shows, only about 19% of them will have sleeping problems.

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