'World's Best Father' & His Daughter's Photos

It's the unlikely family photo album that is making dads the world over feel pretty alright about their parenting skills.

What started as one goofy picture taken by a bleary-eyed first-time father poking fun at his own cluelessness spawned a series that became a viral sensation and has now been published as a coffee table book. But no one is more surprised at the success than the perplexed parent behind the project, Dave Engledow, who has been creating the playful images since the birth of his daughter, Alice Bee, who is now three.

'I always sort of thought – because I have a dark sense of humor – that if the photos ever did go viral the responses would be more negative,' the married man told people.

'But there's a lot of people out there who find humor in the unconventional'

The 43-year-old married man has made something of a career out of creating the wackiest dad-and-daughter scrapbook of shots with his little girl, who was six weeks old for the first, deciding photo, featuring the exhausted Engledow pouring baby's milk into his coffee.

With the key item of the first photo being the 'World's Best Father' mug, Engledow's brand was thus born.

In 2012 he released a calender which, after being flying off the shelves, came out again in 2013 as a larger run.

Now Engledow was completed a book, featuring his favorites from the beginning and a whole series of new material.

'When I first started, the idea was that I just kind of wanted to make fun of myself because I was feeling incredibly exhausted and sleep-deprived,' Engledow told BuzzFeed.


'So I wanted to capture just how clueless and sleepy I felt.'

'I think early on in the series a lot of the photos were me kind of playing out things that I was afraid of as a father.'

Engledow, the deputy director at nonprofit Working America, said he usually shoots Alice by herself and then his own shot, before editing them together.

'Sometimes she’s into it, sometimes we have to offer some serious bribes to get her to participate,' he said of his daughter's participation.

'It’s kind of a thing that she and I do together and sometimes it’s fun for her, and sometimes she would rather be doing anything else but that.'

'But I don’t want to be one of those parents that pushes their kids to do what I want them to do.

'If at any point she says, '‘I don’t want to do this anymore, Daddy,’' I think we’d respect that.'

But Engledow, who lives with his family in Takoma Park, Maryland, said he hopes as Alice grows older, she starts coming up with her own ideas on what she would like to do in the photos.

Confessions of the World's Best Father will be available to buy from Amazon on May 22. 



Written by Joel Christie, Retrieved From:


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