All Pre-School ~ Kindergarten Article - Growth Development


Why Playing Hide-and-Seek is Good for Your Child  2015-06-05

Children love to play hide-and-seek from their earliest days, but it's not just a silly game.


Let Kids Talk Their School Life!  2015-05-29

Did your kids tell you the school life? Talked incessantly, or muted whatever you “torturous” you used. So… 


Older Fathers May Pass 'Devastating' Health to Children   2015-05-15

Two-thirds of new UK fathers are now over 30… The older they are, the greater the risk of health problems… Increases the risk of epilepsy, autism and breast cancer for baby…


Do Your Baby Sleeping Enough? It Relates to Future Emotion & Behavior.   2015-04-24

In a long-term study, toddlers who slept less than 10 hours a night or woke frequently at night tended to have more emotional and behavioural problems at age five.


Overindulgent Parents, Narcissistic Children?  2015-03-20

Kids who were told they were better than others came to believe it, researchers report.