All Pre-School ~ Kindergarten Article - Growth Development


4 Bad Habits Every Parent Needs to Break  2016-10-17

Sometimes getting better behavior from your kids is as simple as cleaning up your own act.


10 Life Skills to Teach Your Child by Age 10  2016-10-17

Your child is more capable than you realize. Even your preschooler can begin to learn these essential life lessons.


How to Solve Common Child-Care Issues  2016-10-17

Not sure how to approach your child care provider with a potential problem? These pointers will help you fix any issue with ease.


12 Kids' Symptoms You Should Never Ignore  2016-10-11

The wait-and-see approach is fine for some kids' health problems. But not these.

When you become a parent, you earn a medical merit badge of sorts. Whether you're sopping up a goopy nose or extracting a dangling-by-a-thread baby tooth, eventually few things faze you. But sometimes it's tough to tell what warrants a call to your doctor's office: Which temperature actually classifies as a "high fever"? What kind of tummy ache means your child has more than your average stomach bug? And when something truly frightening happens -- say, your child suddenly breaks out in hives -- should you call your pediatrician or head straight to the E.R.?


8 Potty Training Do's and Don'ts  2016-10-11

As you get ready to potty train your child, keep these basic tips in mind to help you determine what you should and shouldn't do when introducing the toilet.